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Hot School Dinners

Our hot dinners cost £2.94 per day and your child can choose daily whether to have a school dinner or to bring a packed lunch into school. There is a vegetarian option available every day.

Since September 2014, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for a free hot school meal each day under the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme. If your child is Reception age to Year 4 and is eligible for Free School Meals please contact 0300 300 8306 to register your entitlement. You will receive a registration email from SchoolGrid prior to your child’s start date. Meals can be booked online by 8:55am each day or in advance for the whole term.

School Grid Link

Packed Lunches

In line with Healthy Schools, we are requesting that packed lunches are healthy. We have spoken to the children in assembly about how chances to grow, learn, discover, and inspire rely on plenty of good fuel! With this in mind, lunches should contain at least one portion of fruit or vegetables, and water. We suggest that you do not allow your child unhealthy items such as crisps and cakes, and sweets are strictly prohibited.

We do have a “Nut Free” Policy in the school as we have some children with severe nut allergies. Please bear this in mind when making packed lunches for your children. We appreciate your support in this policy.


The school provides a piece of fruit or raw vegetables for Reception, Years 1 & 2 children each day, free of charge, under the Government “Heathy Schools” scheme.

Children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6) are requested to bring in a snack for morning break. This must be a healthy snack, ie. Fruit, raw vegetables, cereal bar – but we ask that you please respect our “No Nuts” policy.

Milk Bar

You can register your child for Free and Subsidised Milk. For children under 5 years of age, milk is free and will be given to your child each day. When your child is 5 you will need to register them with Cool Milk and the cost is approximately 20 pence per day for a ¼ pint carton. Payment is easy and straightforward online or over the phone.

The easiest way to register your child is to telephone Cool Milk on 0800 142 2972, or you can email Cool Milk on, or visit their website at

Milk is subsidised by the European Union under the European school milk scheme. Milk for children aged under 5 is also funded by the Department of Health.