Equality Objectives and Public Sector Equality Duty
Public Sector Equality Duty
We are committed to the equal opportunity of all individuals, regardless of gender, race, background, age, sexual orientation or disability. We believe that all individuals have the right to be treated with respect and afforded the opportunity to expand their knowledge and expertise.
This duty applies to all individuals who form part of the community of Potton Primary School. This includes children, staff, teaching and non-teaching, parents and governors. All are a valuable asset to our school and deserve our respect as human beings.
At Potton Primary School, we want to promote Equality and Diversity through our objectives:
1. To ensure that identified gender plays no role in limiting the opportunities for childre in all areas of the curriculum and wider school life;
2. To further develop the understanding of staff, children, parents and other members of the community regarding different races and customs;
3. To raise staff awareness of the Equalities Duty and the part that each of us plays;
4. To ensure that disadvantaged groups of children achieve in line with their peers.